Monday, February 24, 2014

Benson with the Aps


Having the Ap's in the ward isn't bad at all. They are really busy trying to see everyone. And they are getting tons of referrals.

I don't really have much to say today. Did I write last week about Sharing time? I will write it again if I already did you can skip down. We taught sharing time. Our lesson was on Gods creations. It was lots of fun. We were also invited to the sunbeams "bubble time." Let me tell you that is the cutest thing ever! 

This weekend we are painting our apartment. The Young Men are coming to help us. It is going to be weird having a bunch of boys in our apartment. We are going to have a weekend sleepover at the Tiffany Park sisters apartment! Party! Well as much as you can as a missionary. On valentines day that meant laying in bed eating chocolate moose and watching the Testaments. :)

A few things from the missionary side of me.....

Watch these. They are so amazing and I wish I could watch them all. If you want to be really nice you could put them on a Jump drive for me.

Also read this talk. it maybe my all time favorite talk! At least right now. I have been constantly studying it. Of course it is by Holland. :) isn't he the best?

Well that's all for now....

Until next week!

Sister DeKarver


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

oops I forgot

I forgot to tell you....

Elder Anderson and Johnson Saran Wrapped our car. They came to our appartment. and gave us back our journals. (we have journals that our companions write in) They left and we opened them. Inside was a picture of Them in front of a saran wrapped car. It said," remember when we Saran wrapped your car." We ran outside and sure enough. They had come while we were weekly planning saran wrapped our car, took a picture, changed clothes, went to the store, printed the picture and brought us back our journals.

Benson Hill.... Knock on wood

Wow it has been a crazy week let me tell you.

First of all Transfers are today. I am not being transfered. Sister Alder and I are both staying in Benson Hill. But both of our Elders are whitewashing (this means they are both leaving and two new elders are coming.) We just found out that the Elders moving in are the APs!!!!!! Gahhhhhh.... Don't freak out but if we screw up we are dead! This could be a good thing. Whip our ward into shape. One of the Aps is Elder Mchendrick. (Willy and Saunas Nephew) So I guess Taylor Power!

We are painting our apartment. It really needs to be done. The apartment complex wont do if for us but they supplied the paint. It is going to be a ward project. It will be fun!

Some dear friends moved out of the ward. The Kohlers. We are going to miss them a lot. But they moved to Pleasant Grove so I can see them when I get back!

I am so frazzled because of Transfers sorry.

We have been out of a car since Saturday. We got it back Yesterday. The car overheated and had to be towed. That is all we know. They didn't tell us what was wrong. But we have it back now. We have been walking. And on top of that it has been raining. (here I go complaining again. I am trying to work on it.) 

Our shower was also getting Caulked this week. So every morning we went to the Tiffany Park Sisters Apartment.

A note: When sending packages please remember that it could take 1 to 2 weeks for me to receive them. Please do not send anything perishable. The office missionaries are getting mad because they keep having to drive out to me to bring me packages.

I figured out my Release date. I will come home on July 7th, 2015.

Hope all is well.
Sorry I am so frazzled.

Sister DeKarver   

Monday, February 10, 2014

Benson Hill.....Snow?????

Wow it is hard to believe that it is already Monday again. Time flies so fast and slow at the same time.

I thought it would get easier to see people now that the Superbowl is over... WRONG! On Wednesday they had a huge parade in Seattle with all the players in it. There were close to 100,00 people in downtown Seattle. 1300 kids didn't show up to school and 500 teachers called in sick. Wow this state is going a little crazy!

Now that the Superbowl is over we have the Olympics. which isn't so bad but everyone wanted to watch the opening ceremonies. luckily we had Ward correlation at that time.

On Tuesday we had zone conference and we got the GOLD PLATES! That means that our car was the cleanest in the zone. (even though it is the oldest and they are about the kill in in about 5,000 miles.) We have a license plate border thing (I cant remember what it is called) that says Renton Gold Plates and we got 100 extra miles this month.

After Zone Conferance we had to get our oil changed. We were sitting in the lobby and a movie was on. It was a really weird movie but anyways. In the movie they shot and killed someone. It was amazing how fast the spirit was gone. It was like in Finding Nemo when Dory says, "good feeling gone!" It is amazing to see how much I have changed in these 2 months. I am so much more sensitive to the spirit now.

The sad thing about Washington is you hardly every get a sunrise/set. In Utah I really took that for granted. we finally had one this last week. I miss Utah's Sunrises/sets and Mountains.

On Saturday night it snowed. About an inch or two. Everyone freaked out. That night we had a bunch of texts and voice blasts asking us if we were ok. It was weird the only real problem was that there are NO snowplows! A slight problem. We got stuck on a couple hills on the way home. They also canceled church. There was only 2 services in the whole stake! On the way to church Sister Alder and I had a spot of trouble. we were going down a slight hill at the bottom was a T with a stop sign when Sister Alder tried to break we slid. as we turned. Luckily we stopped 6 inches from the ditch. It is good to because if we had gone into the ditch my side of the car would have smashed into a telephone pole. The Lord really does protect his servants. the worst part though was when I had to get out of the car to back Sister Alder. Where everyone could see who we were. Totes Embar (hahaha)

Sister Alder have this problem with matching clothes. Almost everyday we will end up wearing the same colors. Like today. I got dressed and was in the kitchen. When she was done showering and getting dressed she came out and said, "you have got to be kidding me!" I was wearing a navy blue shirt with a mustard skirt and she had on a navy blue skirt with a mustard shirt. That is almost a daily thing for us. Sometimes on of us change and other times we just stay in the same clothes.

With the deaf lady I e-mailed about last week. They talked to her and talked to her for about an hour last Monday. Today they are meeting with her again and the ASL missionaries are coming so they can hand her over. It was such a cool experience.

Next week p-day is in Tuesday instead of Monday because of exchanges. Sister Alder and I will probably stay here because she is training me but you never know. 

I hope all is well.
thank you for the letters and Prayers
Until next week.

Sister DeKarver

Monday, February 3, 2014

Re: Life of a missionary

Our District Learder, who is one of them that speaks ASL gave her a They are still helping her. Missionaries and there dedication to there service is so amazing to watch. I LOVE IT!!!!!

On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 11:26 AM, Kelsie Erin De Karver <> wrote:
I just witnessed the most amazing thing. There was a woman in the library that was deaf and having issues with her computer. As soon as this was realized 3 missionaries that knew ASL where there talking to her and helping her. It was so amazing. I Love Missionary Work!

Life of a missionary

I just witnessed the most amazing thing. There was a woman in the library that was deaf and having issues with her computer. As soon as this was realized 3 missionaries that knew ASL where there talking to her and helping her. It was so amazing. I Love Missionary Work!

Benson Hill..... Seahawks won???

Thank Heavens the Superbowl is over. It has been crazy! During the Superbowl yesterday we walked Petrovistky, a busy street. It was a good use of time because we weren't bothering people who where trying to watch. We where able to teach two lessons and find some potentials. During the second part of the came we ate dinner at the Relief Society Presidents house. They where not watching the game but kept looking up the score. Needless to say. We knew when it was over and we defiantly knew who won. We were hoping that President would call us in on account of so much ciaos but he didn't. We were at different members houses. The rest of the night. And luckily there were no drunk people. *blessing*

It is amazing how something you learned in Activity Days. I remember learning how to lead music. After my assignment in the MTC as Music Coordinator and now in the field I am the only one in my district that can lead, besides Sister Alder but she is the only one that can play piano.

There is a lady in our ward named Sister Attaway. We call her Grandma Attaway. She reminds me of Grandma D. The other day we taught her how to use her DVD player and helped her put decorations away. I love going to see her. She is so nice and kind. A wonderful sudo grandma!

It is amazing how in the Church how much we emphasis on asking for yourself. We don't have to rely on others testimony. We need only ask God and He will tell us. It is a wonderful promise. In the first lesson we ask people to pray to know that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith is truly a Prophet.

The Gospel is so true!

Alma 26:12

Sister DeKarver