Tuesday, July 29, 2014


I have probably started this blog post at least 10 times. I have so many thought and ideas about what I want to write but simply cannot word it correctly. I want to address being an Early Return Missionary (ERM) and the difficulties that come with that. When you are an ERM people do not treat you the same way they would treat a "normal" RM. Instead of asking, "How was your mission?" They ask, "How are you doing?" ERM's are the same as RM's with the only difference being that they may not have served as long as they had expected. We still filled out papers, received a call, prepared, and ultimately left our families and put our lives on hold for a time. Our call letter stated that it is "expected" that we will serve 18 months to 2 years. For some the Lord did not need our help as long as others. We served our time and learned what we needed to while we were on our missions.

When I tell people that I am an ERM you can tell when the questions start going through their minds of why I came home? Did I do something wrong? The truth is that more that half of ERM's did nothing wrong they had diffrent reasons for coming home most of them were beyond their control. This is a graph from a study done at Utah Valley University of ERM's and why they came home:
 You can find more info on the study here.

I know that I was meant to serve a mission. Even if it was only for 5 months. I learned what I needed to and touched those that needed me. And I am glad that I was able to have that experience. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Benson Hill..... no more

Sometimes Heavenly Father has a different plan for you that you have for yourself. When this happens, you just have to follow the counsel found in Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

On Friday April 11th, I was honorably released as a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I have some medical issues that cannot be taken care of in the mission field and so I have returned home.

I greatly enjoyed my time as a missionary and I am glad that I had the opportunity to serve, even if it was not for the expected amount of time.

If you would like to get a hold of me I still have my same phone number and e-mail address.


Monday, April 7, 2014

Benson Hill.... in a trio

So I am in a trio now. It is a little weird but good as well. It is like a sleepover all the time! This week I have defiantly learned that when it comes to companions Heavenly Father gives you what you need. I have great companions that help me so much in my work.

Sister Lee... Is from Colorado. She has been out for a year and just left an area that is very rural. (There were more Cows there than people) She freaks out when she sees people outside (which is all the time) And is glad she is finally somewhere with stores.

Sister Gurrero... Is from Alpine. This is her first area and Sister Lee is training her (with my help.) She is very eager to get out on the work.

We were able to go to a Baptism on Friday for someone Sister Lee was teaching. I got to see Sister Alder there is well. Nothing to exciting except it was our Housing Coordinators Grand kids.

One more thought about Conference. Elder Ballard Talked about Preach my Gospel. I completely agree with what he said. It truly is an inspired book. I encourage everyone to study from it and develop the attributes found in Chapter 6. And remember, "It is 'necessary" and... we are bound, as by concatenate, 'to be,' as He declared 'even as I am." -John M. Madsen

I hope you all have a fabulous week.

Sister DeKarver 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Benson Hill...... Staying.

Well I am staying in Benson Hill another transfer. Sister Alder is leaving and going to Graham. It is funny we are switching  companions. She is going to a be with a sister I came out with. (Sister Copen) and Sister Copen's companion is coming up here. Sister Lee. Sister Lee is also going to be training so I will be in a trio. I have heard good and bad things about trios. They definitely have their pros and cons but I am excited.

Nothing to exciting happened this week. We had to go to Maple Valley AGAIN!!!! to fix our car. (Our car is the oldest car in the mission and is a few months from being retired. Let me just say when I am car shopping I WILL NOT buy that kind of car.)

Well that is all today. Sorry for such a short letter this week....

Sister DeKarver

Monday, March 24, 2014

Benson Hill.... Land of miracles

Well it has been a crazy week here, lots of ups and downs. Saturday was amazing tho we had so many miracles happen.
    1. We have been working with a 9 year old girl that is part of a part member family. She wants to be Baptized so bad. We fasted Wednesday to Thursday and Thursday we went to go see her mom to see if we could build some bridges. Sadly when we went by the mom wasn't home. we kept trying and on Saturday SHE WAS HOME!!! She welcomed us in and was very friendly, she is normally kinda standoffish. She is willing to work with us to help her daughter get baptized and she agreed to have the bishop some visit her!  
   2. Saturday Night we had a ward Game night. When we got there the Elders Quorum President told us to go and find the 1st councilor in the bishopric. He was giving a church tour to a lady. The Lady said she had driven by the church  thousands of times but there was never anyone there or there was lots of cars. This time when she drove by there was 1 car. She turned in and asked the 1st councilor is she could ask him some questions about the church. He invited her in. At first she didn't want to come in because she was not in a dress, but he convinced her and started to give her a tour. This is when we showed up and finished the tour. When we talked about Joseph Smith and I recited the first vision to her she said, "That is just like me. I am looking for the right church." Then when we were in the chapel explaining the Sacrament she asked if she had to take it. We explained that it is voluntary and she was relived. She sad she understood how sacred it is and how she didn't want to make a covenant that she didn't understand. Sadly she is not in our ward. Yesterday we introduced her to the Sisters serving in her area and she attended church with them.
   3. We went to see an Investigator to invite him to church. We got to sit down and talk to his mom. She is very open and wants to sit in on the lessons so that she can know what her son is learning about.

Last p-day we went to Colan Beach. It was very pretty I will send pictures. We ate at a little diner on the lake and then walked around and took pictures. It is like we were normal!

2 weeks ago the Mission Department introduced a new way of teaching. We now use the Pamphlets LOTS more and try to keep visits to 30min. We don't even introduce the Book Of Mormon until the 2nd visit. We have seen it greatly increase our missionary efforts. People are more willing to see us and see us more often. We are also being encouraged to not tract. Instead we are working through members, part member families, less active members and investigators to find people to teach. So far it is working great. We are really seeing it work.

Next week is transfers so I will not be e-mailing on Monday but on Tuesday.

A spiritual thought or two before I go....

"Sometimes we will face things for which there is no earthly explanation. In those moments we need to erect a sign that reads, 'quiet: God at work.' Meanwhile, hold on Child of God. Keep believing. Don't quit. Don't give up. Let God do his work in you. The greatest tragety is to miss what God wants to teach us through our trials."
                                                  Ray Pitchard

"Insisting that yu have a picture perfect family home evening each week- even tho doing so makes you and everyone around you miserable- may not be the best choice. Instead, ask yourself, 'what could we do as a family that would be enjoyable and spiritual and bring us closer togeather?' that family home evening may have far more positive long term results."
                                                   President Dieter F. Uchdorft

Have a great week everyone. and Hang in there.

Sister Dekarver


Monday, March 17, 2014

Benson Hill..... Missionary Changes

On Tuesday we received training from President Eaton. The Missionary Department came last month and changed some things. The first lesson is now 30 minutes long. From door-to-door. We also now count lessons as having a opening and closing prayer. Instead of before when it had to include a commitment, doctrine, and a prayer. This has made our numbers drop ALOT but will lead to more progressing investigators and more baptisms.

I have found myself studying a lot about families lately. It is not like I want to I just start studying and then I am like,"wow how did I end up At families again?" Families are very important. Think about where we would be without them. President Packer said, "... nothing is more critically connected to happiness- both our own and that of our children- than how well we love and support one another within the family." Families are so important they are our support. The second point we talk about when teaching the first lesson is "Gospel Blesses Families." The Gospel really does bless families. As we strive to have better relationships with our family members we will be able to feel the spirit more in our home. And feel the love of others as well as our Saviors love for us.

On a different note ...my ward mission leader is from the Philippines. And in the Philippines they have a delacasy called Bolut. Sister Alder Has eaten it as well as Elder Bradford but Elder Mchendrick and I refuse. Bolut is a Duck egg that has been fertilized and is about to hatch. Sister Alder says it just tastes like a normal hard boiled egg with a beak. I am taking her word for it. I am not putting that thing in my mouth!

Hope everyone is doing well. Talk to you next week.

Sister De Karver   

Monday, March 10, 2014

Benson Hill....... Missionary life

Well. Our carpets are finally clean and we are getting a kitchen table this afternoon. We also rearranged the furniture in our house. Our apartment "renovation" is almost complete we just need to put all the furniture back where it goes and hang pictures back on the walls. Then just a few small things and We are done!!!! Are apartment is so nice now!!!

Sister Alder and I have learned how to Crochet (well I should say are learning.)
we definitely have lots of room to improve! It is nice to not think about gospel stuff for a little while at night. (Don't worry. I love the gospel! but it is like a stress relief. (wow I sound like a old lady:)))

I got to teach The Law of Chasity lesson this past week. Sister Alder said I did great. It was part of the new member lessons, after someone is baptized we teach them all the lessons again plus another one about ordinances, so i couldn't screw anything up to bad. ;)

Hope all is well...

Till next week...

Sister De Karver